Pierre Marion

I have been a postdoc researcher at EPFL under the supervision of Lénaïc Chizat since January 2024. I am currently a research fellow at UC Berkeley, for the Spring 2025 semester on Transformers and LLMs at the Simons Institute. Before that, I was a PhD student at Sorbonne Université under the supervision of Gérard Biau and Jean-Philippe Vert.
My current research interests regard the theory of deep learning. I am interested in various architectures, ranging from shallow networks to generative models, and try to understand their optimization and statistical properties. For more information on my research activity, you can visit the Research page.
I am concerned by the environmental impact of the current organization of the research community, in particular by the unsustainable impact of flying to conferences. If you want to know more, please see this (2023, somewhat outdated) statement and/or reach out to help build more sustainable alternatives!
A brief Curriculum Vitae
- 2020-2023: Sorbonne Université, PhD degree
- 2019-2020: Sorbonne Université, Masters degree
- 2015-2019: École polytechnique, Engineering degree (specialization in Applied Mathematics)
- 2013-2015: Lycée du Parc, Preparatory classes
Internships and research stays
- 2023: Google DeepMind, Research Internship
- 2022: Simons Institute, Research stay
- 2020: Google, Research Internship
- 2018: University of Montreal, Research Internship
- 2017: Société Générale, Software Engineering Internship
- 2015-2016: EPIDE, Teaching and Mentoring Internship
- 2024: Runner-up PhD Award of AFIA (French Association for Artificial Intelligence)
- 2022: Google PhD Fellowship
- 2018: Ecole polytechnique Grand Prize of Research Internships